I finally managed to pop down to the new weekly street food market in Brighton last week, Street Diner. I tell you what, it's a joy to see a green area formerly frequented by the own-brand cider brigade positively transformed into a serious foodie destination. Everyone from suits to hipsters piled onto the grass noshing on fantastic pork belly steamed buns from Yum Yum Ninja, Troll's Pantry burgers, Bratwurst from Campervanatics, Paella from Crocus and gravity defying cakes from Honeycomb Cakes. The huge stir fries and crepe stand also looked pretty good too.

There were actually less stalls than normal on this day. The mind boggles because I'd probably still be there now deciding what to have.

So what did I go for? After darting from stall to stall, and back again, I opted for a pulled pork roll (brisket looked good too), slaw and the biggest pickle in the world from Little Blue Smokehouse. This was one hell of a feed for £6. Possibly a little on the dry side but tasty and good value.

My studio mates mainly went for the very popular Troll's Pantry burger. They didn't let me have a bite but just LOOK AT IT.
Those days of the supermarket meal deal are over. Go, go, go!
Latest information of regualr and guest stalls and menus from www.facebook.com/streetdinerbrighton or @streetdiner